
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Outer Planets, Day Two

Group 3 started their lesson by reviewing what they learned last time. They did this through word art. I really liked that they did that! They then showed the students a song and dance about the outer planets! this was so cute and the kids kept asking to do it again! Nicole then reviewed the scientific method with the students, and then handed out an investigation notebook. each group had to make an observation based on the picture that was tweeted by astronaut Annie. I really liked how they incorporated social media. Each teacher was at a group to keep them on track. students were directed to make a hypothesis when a students presented about their planet, the other students recorded what they were saying in their investigation notebook. the original groups met up front to present their findings and their hypothesis. the teachers then revealed their planets to see if they were right. After, students worked together in groups to unscramble the tweet. They then all went over what the twe

The Outer Planets, Day One

Group 3 started out their lesson by introducing the teachers vs. students game. this game is for behavior management. My group did the same game. group 3 opened the lesson by showing a picture of the solar system and asking the students to identify what they recognize in the picture. Students will also hold up a red, blue, or green planet based on their understanding of the lesson. The teachers then moved on to definitions of the outer planets. the students were to follow along with the teachers on the nonesheet they were given. they were directed to turn and talk to a friend about the question that astronaut Annie texted. during the guided practice, students played a game that used questions and the planet was the answer. group 3 incorporated technology into their lesson through this vortex game. I wish they allowed time for the students to talk with their table about what the answer is before coming up to the board. At the end of the lesson, students were handed sticky notes to wri

The Inner Planets, Day Two

For groups 2's inquiry lesson, they began their introduction by reviewing the rules that the expected the children to follow. They went over the planets on a worksheet. The teachers then went over the scientific method, and used Tellagamy to explain to the kids that an alien needs help. Then, they introduced the mystery bag. Im so glad group 2 used a mystery bag! we learned about this in class and I thought it was so cool. they then modeled what should be done with the mystery bag (don't open it!) they used their chart from the introduction to figure out what is in the mystery bag. they used their senses to figure it out.The students predicted what planet they thought might be inside, using scientific thinking and their chart. each group got a pack to record their findings. the teachers then took one thing out of the bag to give a clue. for example, it could have been an ice pack. this would tell us the that the planet is cold. The students loved this. They were so excited! At

Science Fair Project

I am very happy that I had an opportunity to perform a science fair experiment. When I was in elementary school, I never participated in science fairs but after doing one on my own, I really enjoyed it the experience and I learned so much. I was able to connect this simple project into a real world issue of global warming. this would be a great project house with younger students, so that they understand what is happening with our oceans. I really enjoyed doing this project through voicethread, it was a great way to virtually connect with our classmates. I also liked that we included a slide show of the section of the poster, doing this virtually allowed me to take my time reading each poster. I would definitely use this in my classroom for a virtual science fair, and maybe a book report project! It would be the same concept, just for language arts. This was a great tool and I am very excited to use this in the future. My classmates really gave me great feedback. For example, Nessiah

End of the Semester--Don't Be A Procrastinator!

Sometimes it feels like the end of the semester takes forever to approach. Then, once it is about a month away, it comes at you with full force. I have never realized that until this semester. I think the semester was an extreme wake up call for me. science methods and other ed classes I was in this semester were really difficult to keep up with. I think it may be because everything is due at the end of the semester. This can be good and bad. I am the type that would like to do my work as the semester goes on, not so much have it waiting for me at the end. on top of finals, it is extremely difficult to put in all my effort into everything that is due at the end of the semester for my ed classes. This semester has also made me realize the I cannot b a procrastinator. When I was in high school to about this year I was always one to leave my work until the very end. This science class has taught me not to be like that. I am actually very grateful for that. I have learned that being overwh

Voicethread- A whole new virtual world!

Voicethread is a program that I have never heard of before, but I learned about it the semester and I grew to like it. At first I was very confused about all the different features on it, but I caught on very quickly. To explore the virtual world of voice thread, before doing our big project, we added our all about me projects from the beginning of the semester. we were able to comment on a few of our classmates' projects t get a feel for how voice thread works. this was a very effective way to show us how it should be done. We were able to explore the video commenting, audio commenting, text commenting, etc. I really liked this program, and my lesson 3 and 4 show a way I would have students use voice thread in the classroom. I thought doing the science fair project on voice thread was such a great idea! I was able to see everyone's posters and look at it closely and hear their recordings explaining what it was. This was one of my favorite programs!

Overall thoughts about teaching science and technology

Science was never my strong subject. I was nervous in the beginning to take this class. I knew I would have to eventually if I wanted to be a teacher I would have to take classes with science. But I am extremely glad I did. I learned so much that I had no idea about. I'm also really glad that this class incorporated technology. I don't know a lot about the different programs that teachers use because when I was in elementary school these programs didn't exist. Learning about them now, I wish they did! I am so excited to use these new programs in the future. Children love to use computers and other technology that they grew up using. This is the way the world is now. Some people like it and some people are against it, but we might as well use the resources that are available to us. I am very glad about all the things I learned in science, and I am excited for social studies!

The Inner Planets, Day One

In their introduction, the teachers started out going over the class rules. They had a live stream of the earth at this very second from a satellite . I really liked this!!! it got their attention so quickly.  They then had the students volunteer to go up to the board to write what they think makes up the universe. I really liked the mac & cheese eyes on me as a way to get there attention. they then displayed a word cloud of all the words they were going to teacher about that day, I  think you  have kept it up a little longer and go over those words. I  did like that they had the students go up to the board. That was very interactive. In their development, they started by handing out a note sheet. as they went over what makes up the universe, students were to turn and talk to their neighbor. I really liked that you used turn and talk. This is a really effective way to break up the time and allow the students to share their thoughts with a friend. After they talked about the plane