The Outer Planets, Day Two

Group 3 started their lesson by reviewing what they learned last time. They did this through word art. I really liked that they did that! They then showed the students a song and dance about the outer planets! this was so cute and the kids kept asking to do it again! Nicole then reviewed the scientific method with the students, and then handed out an investigation notebook. each group had to make an observation based on the picture that was tweeted by astronaut Annie. I really liked how they incorporated social media. Each teacher was at a group to keep them on track. students were directed to make a hypothesis when a students presented about their planet, the other students recorded what they were saying in their investigation notebook. the original groups met up front to present their findings and their hypothesis. the teachers then revealed their planets to see if they were right. After, students worked together in groups to unscramble the tweet. They then all went over what the tweet said. the students independently wrote a letter to astronaut Annie toad were provided a check list to see if the included everything that was required. they wrote to Annie about why we need the solar system, and what life would be like without it. they then wrote final thoughts on the board. Great inquiry lesson group 3! very engaging and exciting.
