The Inner Planets, Day One

In their introduction, the teachers started out going over the class rules. They had a live stream of the earth at this very second from a satellite. I really liked this!!! it got their attention so quickly. They then had the students volunteer to go up to the board to write what they think makes up the universe. I really liked the mac & cheese eyes on me as a way to get there attention. they then displayed a word cloud of all the words they were going to teacher about that day, I think you have kept it up a little longer and go over those words. I did like that they had the students go up to the board. That was very interactive. In their development, they started by handing out a note sheet. as they went over what makes up the universe, students were to turn and talk to their neighbor. I really liked that you used turn and talk. This is a really effective way to break up the time and allow the students to share their thoughts with a friend. After they talked about the planets in the solar system, and Anna has the students come up and draw something they would find in the solar system. I really like that your lesson was interactive. Megan had the students watch a short video explaining gravity, and after each section that everyone taught there were questions for the students. Alex had taken over and asked the children about the word astronomy. Several of them had heard of the word. One thing I really liked about our lesson is you showed the students a good way to remember the inner planets. thats really important to get them to remember. They then had the students answer questions when it was done. For the guided practice, they played Kahoot! kids love this game. But some students may not have ever played Kahoot before and they did not explain it. Some of them may have been confused. I also wished you enforced the traffic light during the game because it was getting very loud. But other than that I really liked this game and you lesson. At the end, the students were given a crossword puzzle to work on by themselves. I think they should have just gave them a fill in the blank. Crossword puzzles aways take way to long, and they may not be spelling the words right so it does not fit. Next time I think they should just be given a simple fill in the blank. Overall, I really liked this lesson, group 2 did a great job.
