The Inner Planets, Day Two

For groups 2's inquiry lesson, they began their introduction by reviewing the rules that the expected the children to follow. They went over the planets on a worksheet. The teachers then went over the scientific method, and used Tellagamy to explain to the kids that an alien needs help. Then, they introduced the mystery bag. Im so glad group 2 used a mystery bag! we learned about this in class and I thought it was so cool. they then modeled what should be done with the mystery bag (don't open it!) they used their chart from the introduction to figure out what is in the mystery bag. they used their senses to figure it out.The students predicted what planet they thought might be inside, using scientific thinking and their chart. each group got a pack to record their findings. the teachers then took one thing out of the bag to give a clue. for example, it could have been an ice pack. this would tell us the that the planet is cold. The students loved this. They were so excited! At the end, each group was called up to the board to talk about their predications and revealed their bag in from of the class. I think they should have revealed it at their table before going up! it got a little hectic. Students were then given a matching sheet. this was definitely better than the crossword puzzle. I'm glad they all took our advice! and then at the end which was really exciting, the students were given a boarding pass in to view mars virtually in may. They couldn't contain their excitement! great inquiry lesson, group 2. Very organized!
