
Showing posts from November, 2017

Using Digital Tools for Assessment

From the start of this science class, I learned how to use an technology for assessment. I started out using Nearpod. I have never heard of this program before, but I'm glad that this is what I picked to do my digital me on. I also was able to teach my class how to use this specific assessment tool. On Nearpod, I was able to insert my powerpoint onto the website and at the end I put an assessment. That assessment allowed me to see the results that everyone had to my question, and I could share the answers with my class. My class was able to answer the questions on their own computer linked to my Nearpod, and the class was given a link. I really loved this program and I will be using it as a future teacher. Also, in class, we used google forms a lot. I noticed that teachers in my other classes have been using google forms more recently. When we did the earth science presentations, many people assessed the class using google forms. This is a really fast way to see everyones responses

Being Someone Else For the Day is Harder Than You Think

I recently went to a poverty simulation for Professional Development, even if this wasn't for Professional Development, I most likely would have went anyway. This really changed my outlook on life, and its great to know as a future teacher to understand how less fortunate children and families feel. The point of this was exactly that. We were assigned a person of a community to be apart of a family. All of the families struggled, and we had to learn and figure out as a family how to live our lives with barely anything. My character was a 16 year old pregnant girl. My parents were always out of the house, so I had to watch my brothers. My boyfriend wasn't around much, because he was doing whatever he needed to for his family. I still had to attend school as a pregnant teen. That was very difficult considering I was due in three months and was very anxious to graduate. When I was on a week break from school, I wasn't even able to work because I couldn't afford transporta

Do Oceans EVER Freeze?

I am thinking of a project to do that interests me. I decided that I am going to answer the question "Does salt affect the way water freezes?" I have heard many things about this topic, some people say salt water does freeze, and some people say it doesn't. Also, It relates to the topic of Global Warming or "climate change" that I feel strongly about, because it seems to be getting worse. In the beginning of the semester, we had a presentation about climate change and sustainability. This is a topic that is very important to me, so I wanted to do a project on that. I am excited to share my results and observations about my project with my peers!

Layers of the Atmosphere!

Today we taught our classmates about different topics in science that we were unfamiliar with. This was a fast and efficient way for us to learn about different topics pertaining to earth science.We learned topics such as natural disasters, the earths plates, oceans, the atmosphere, and much more. I really learned a lot, and doing so I learned how to use thinglink. This program is an effective way to have all information on one screen. Using this, there are different points on the picture that you can click and it gives you the fact that you plan on sharing. This is also a great way to present yourself. The background picture can be something that represents the overall topic. For example, if we were presenting about the earth's atmosphere, we can have a picture of the earth and several points about the topic are just a tap away. I would definitely recommend thing link to use for direct instruction!

Earth Science, My Favorite!

I am so excited to study earth science in our class. This is one of my favorite topics, and something I have always been good at in science. With my group, we created a thinglink to teach our classmates about the earth's atmosphere. we will go through the thinglink to show our classmates all the different layers. While teaching about the earth's atmosphere, we are also teaching our fellow colleagues how to use the thinglink. This was a great way to teach 2 things at one. We did something similar in the beginning of the semester as an all about me project. I learned so much about my peers as well as learning about how to use a specific program of their choice. Some other things we learned about during the science presentations are weather, oceans, and the plates of the earth. I like that this was a short and sweet way to teach the class about a topic that they did. Dr. Smirnova had us chose a topic that we weren't very familiar with in science. We did this through a small te

My First Ever Whole Class Teaching Experience

Overall, Fieldwork this semester at Bishop Dunn was a great experience that really showed you if you wanted to be a teacher or not. Personally, I loved the experience. At first, I was so nervous. We were in front of 23 4th graders AND our classmates! Not to mention this was my very first time teaching in front of a whole entire class. I am very happy how fieldwork was split into 2 days, and I am also very happy with the group I worked with. We were a great team! The first day of our lesson, direct instruction, didn't go how I wanted it to. Students were very confused about the note sheet and since we kept stopping, we ran out of time. I was so excited to play the jeopardy game with the kids and we didn't get through a lot of it. the second day was definitely better. the kids had to guess the planet that was in front of them that y group and I constructed. they had to use their knowledge and the clues given to make a decision. This worked very well with the class and they were s